Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Today is the beginning of some pretty spectacular energy. Just assume the next year - 2012 has already started today. Glorious change is swirling around us in a once in a lifetime epic volume. Are you getting the drift....Its BIG.

Today, to quote Pedro...."all your wildest dreams will come true!" So, be very mindful of what your minds are saying today because those conversations you are having with yourself....are going to come to pass EVENTUALLY. Is that really something that you truly wish?

If you find yourself struggling...just chant -

I choose Joy
I am a very lucky person
I choose happiness, wealth and health and chant it or all of them - ALL DAY. Don't whistle while you work...chant one of these things in your head.

If you just happened to think about this blog (that has been inactive for years) or you just stumbled upon it...YOUR higher self sent this message to you.

This concludes this message from the THINK POSITIVE THINGS ALL DAY NETWORK!


Monday, October 3, 2011

Where in the World is Carla Mae

She has been taking a long, long breather. She has been channeling her creative energy into making art and being a recluse. Sometimes, we just need to separate ourselves from ourselves.

I feel big change imminently, although I feel that every year for the past few years during September and October. As usual, my advice is to breathe, smile and really try to see the good in the people around you.

If you have been wanting a reading from me and haven't been able to get through to me, email me at www.carlamae.com

If you would like to view and or purchase any of my artwork...you can visit me


I hope you all have a wonderful fall!

Carla Mae