It was a documentary about how both sides - the families of these girls - felt pain, from this horrible event.
It struck me so hard, because those girls died for nothing. The land that their countries are defending from each other, blowing each other up over, attacking each other over...does not belong to anyone. It was there ages before they were ever even conceived as a thought. That land, just as the same land that I live on, you live on, anyone lives on - does not belong to anyone.
I realized this one day as I was driving over the Trail Ridge Road in Estes Park Co. As I drove over that famous road, and looked out at the highest point over the top of the Rocky Mountains, more than 13,000 feet up, it became perfectly clear that I, just like every other generation before me would enjoy that land for a finite amount of time. Then, I, not the land, would continue on my journey off of the land, happily leaving it behind for other generations to enjoy.
Unfortunately, for those two girls, they left the land for their families to fight over. Will this change anything? Probably not. For their fight has been roaring on and on for so long. So, it makes me ponder. Who is the fool here? One side over the other? Or humans as a whole, for trying to own something that was always bigger than they could hold. Grander, than they could ever comprehend, and a work of God's art that was never meant to be "owned."
For as smart as we humans believe we are, we really act ignorant sometimes. I hope those girl's families can ever find peace.
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ReplyDeleteMost certainly, as we if we are lucky or unlucky (depends on how you look at it)we are here for between 85 / 100 years in one incarnation. The Earth has been inhabitable for how many millions of years? One lifetime is such a small percentage of this that it is almost hard to calculate along with the fact that we incarnate over and over say perhaps over 10,000 or 20,000 years or more. However, we fail (perhaps not the correct term) to consider this during an incarnation which is normal since our main focus is who and what we think we are in this life. We learn the things that we came to experience in each lifetime and the next incarnation can and will carry over “energy” that was not settled during the previous lifetimes and must be dealt with. The people that you speak of are just unaware of themselves as many people are and they take direction for people of religious authority who are also by their nature unaware of themselves in relation to the universe, so round and round they go in a fear based loop. Most (not all) of our religious leaders are actually “self serving” in nature. Yes they are compassionate people who help others and truly care about their “flock”. However, some care that their flock needs “saving” and they need to “save” them from themselves or they will umm not go through the pearly gates so to speak. “ Come and I will save you from who you actually are, your true nature, and you will then rely on me to tell you what God wants you to do, and I will become in your eyes smarter than you, or closer to God than you, cause you are weak and I am strong, I know what is best for you”………….”self serving”! Granted it has been set up this way on purpose and now also by design the nature of religions is manifesting for all to truly see and make a choice. Religions were created by humans not God if fact I am pretty sure that “Jesus wants his religion back”.
ReplyDeleteThis is the most non-offensive blogs I've ever read! ;)
ReplyDeleteblog I mean.