It is easy for people like myself, who have spent years honing their spiritual connections to flippantly say things like...."Trust, and the answers will come." Or something like I read this morning, "Heaven is here on earth..."
I would imagine that those comments do nothing for a person who is trying to keep their head above water, and the bills paid. Times are tough right now. Hell, they are tough even when we aren't in the midst of a huge earth changing time. So, I see there is a need for raw spirituality. The real stuff. You need to hear something that will help you fix your problems. You need something that will help you change your life, so you CAN realize your dreams.
Telling someone who is new to spirituality and trying to keep all their family, bills, health and sanity taken care of, to go within. Is pointless, until they knows what "within" is.
They are going to ask, " Go within? Go in, where?"
I get it. There are steps to spirituality. Just as with everything else, you need to start out with the basics and move on from there.
Eventually, you will understand that "Go within, to find heaven," means, stop worrying. Clear your mind. Let go of the fear you are feeling, probably consumed with and you will feel that inner calm again. It is very easy to let go, once you learn how to let go.
So, here is your easy Practical Spiritual Living, or PSL, 2 minute exercise for the day.
Put your feet flat to the floor.
Put your hands palm down on your thighs. Close your eyes. Using your imagination, (and yes, you do have one and yes, you can visualize this in your head.)
Use your imagination to see in your minds eye a bright, white field of light in the air above your head. See that light as wide as you can see, and as high up as you can see. See it filling every space above your head. Now, see that white light begin to pour into your head, down into your body, imagine it going all the way down your body and into the ground through your feet. See that white light grow like roots, as far and wide as you can see into the earth. Let yourself relax into that feeling of being totally consumed by that white light.
Now, see the light begin to travel back up through your body and into the heavens above. Sit here for just a minute or two and see the light traveling through you, moving from the heavens through you and back into the earth.
Now, take a deep breath...and open your should feel completely calm...grounded between heaven and earth, in the Light of God.
See - PSL - something you can use in just two minutes, sitting at your desk. Use it freely, as many times a day, as needed.