The interesting thing about the whole expose was, in the end, the segment host came to one conclusion. His conclusion:
No matter what type of creed, religion, ritual or crazy belief these "fringe" people were following, it appeared that they were all...happy! Despite their dabbling in the occult. Despite their seemingly devilish worshipping and wayward paths, they all were content in their lives and happy to be.
They lived lives of tolerance, allowing others to live and let live. Judgement was not a part of their character. They all seemed to just live joyous, simple lives.
It is interesting to me that today it appears those people most upset by the new energy, that seems to have infected the whole planet, are not those living hedonistic life's, but those who follow hard core fundamentalist religious doctrines. I am thinking they might be able to learn something from the heathens of the world.
Signed -
A happy, joyful, tolerant - heathen
HAHA! I love it. Fellow happy heathen here.