Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Will the "Real" Carla Mae please stand up!

It has recently come to my attention that there is a chance one or more sites listed on the internet are offering readings with Carla Mae, sites that have no connection to me, the real Carla Mae.  

I will be open minded and agree, I am not the only Carla Mae walking the planet.  However, if you had a reading or know of someone who had a reading by a person claiming to be me, Carla Mae, Psychic Medium, from Texas and these following things occurred...please notify me immediately at 817-379-2211 or by email at carla@carlamae.com 

You or your friend were charged by the minute, and/or through your phone bill. 

Your or your friend were asked to or someone attempted to make you a member for a discount to have a cheaper reading with Carla Mae. 

You were offered any other service other than a reading to be conducted either in person or over the phone, by a person saying they were Carla Mae.  Not including Reiki - which always is performed in person.  

You were charged more than you expected to reasonably pay, according to my fee, which is 90.00 for a half hour, 180.00 for an hour, and half price for each extra person in the reading.  

And here is the one that chap's my knickers the most, if all of the above hadn't already...

You or your friend were told that you had to pay more money, or buy more services or time, to find out " more " about your session or that you were going to suffer some hardship if you did not agree to the above ludicrous terms.  And were told basically a doom or gloom type of reading...I do not give out that type of information, it is negative, and helps no one. I just don't do it. 

My whole career I have stood up for clients who have been lied to, cheated, and basically terrorized by criminals masquerading as "psychic's".  Real intuitive people who have good intentions would never ask you to do any of the above mentioned actions. 

I do not know of a credible psychic - and I know quite a few of them - who charge through a phone line, by the minute.  

Mediumship or psychic type of services are not for everyone.  Then again, neither is skydiving, eating pork, or joining the Catholic church...

There are many, and I mean many sites on the internet who use my name in the search key words to attempt to filter clients to their site to have a reading with me.  To date, most of these sites, have only used my name as key words...so if someone took it a step further, I need to know.  


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