Her first job was at the age of twelve. Apparently she was tall for her age and was able to get room and board from the hospital she worked at by saying she was seventeen. She lived at the hospital and began her career in health care washing baby bottles for eight dollars a week!
I was unclear why she needed a job, and a place to live at twelve, but that is not the point of my story, or hers. Many times, she said, " Well, that is what we all did!" "All" meaning, everyone she knew. "All" worked all day, everyday. They all started their living for pennies and were glad to have them. They took care of each other and extending a caring, helping hand was expected, not impressive.
This morning I read a story in the news about a stay at home mom who had agreed to allow a few of her friends kids to hang at her house an hour before school, so their parents could go ahead off to work. So what. How many times did you do that when you were little? You went to your friends house because mom was not home. Sometimes, your friend came to your house because their mom was not home. So what. That is life.
Well, apparently all these obnoxious kids hanging around irked the stay at home mom's neighbor and she complained to the state. Shortly there after the nice stay at home mom gets a nasty gram from the state threatening her to immediately shut down her day care.
First of all, when did she start running a day care. When in this world did watching your friends kids require a permit or license. Remember the old days that interesting nurse was talking about when everyone expected courtesy and a helping hand? Apparently, in 2009 we have evolved so much and are so better for it, we now fine people for giving helping hands.
Let's all say a rousing "Good God Ah-mighty" together, shall we? Then let's just get over ourselves and realize we need to help each other. We all need to have common sense and common courtesy again.
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