What is different now more than any other time, is the magnitude and types of change that we are all undergoing. Some call it the ascension process. Some say awakening. Uninformed others may say, we are "doomed, doomed doomed!"
Regarding that last little doomsday snippet, I say, "for God's sake, get a hold of yourself and ditch the drama!" We are not doomed....quite the opposite really.
I am not sure the exact moment, but pretty sure it was set into motion this fall, we, as a collective consciousness, (spiritual beings living human lives here on earth), chose the higher road. Essentially, we agreed, on an unconscious level, to have a more spiritual experience here on earth. We agreed to release the strangle hold we have on the material, physical plane and focus on the spiritual plane. This is a very, good thing for us all!
The earth is in on the great shift too. Just like the rest of us, she too, is in for a good old house cleaning of outdated, stale, non-useful energy. Energy that is no longer working for her, just like we all have situations in our own personal lives that need a good brooming. This badly needed cleaning is happening whether we like it on a conscious level or not, so I suggest you get on the bus and just allow the cleansing to commence with an open heart, and stop complaining.
The world is not going to end. Parts of our reality are definitely shifting into a different vibration, which means they are mutating into a better form. Perhaps, some of our systems are not set up to our highest good, and they need to be torn down and reconstructed. Remodeling is a good thing. Letting go of the old, always allows room for better, more prosperous energy to come into any space.
So, how do you use this info in your own personal world?
Allow. How about chanting to yourself over and over, " I allow." "I am lucky" "I choose joy and abundance." This will help you stay centered in your life when shifts and changes are taking place around you.
Think of yourself on a floating raft, and these statements keep the raft level even though there are crazy wild rapids all around you...yet, you're chanting and just drifting down the river while angels work fast and swiftly to reorganize our world.
"I allow, I am lucky and I choose joy and positive abundance."
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