I personally started to feel the shift a couple of years ago and of course, comforted all my clients "not to worry, that it would soon be over and life would get back to "normal" soon." This last year, 2008, it occurred to me, perhaps "normal" may be a thing of the past! DO NOT PANIC.
This shift is for the highest good of us all. It is exactly the place we have been aspiring to get to for as long as we have "been". So, what exactly am I talking about? I am talking about the obvious, apparent change, that has taken our world quite by surprise. The change in our world governments, (yes plural), our belief systems, banking, the planet, our fundamental way of life and under it all, our shifting, evolving, stretching to the light spirituality.
How absolutely exciting!
I am extreemly excited to see the changes you have made and what great things spirit has in store for you. (All of us) I love that you are posting blogs, we all need a bit of insight as to what is going on in the world around us and how it may impact us so that we may deal with the changes occuring in our own lives. I know personally spirit has been working overtime with me, my whole life is in the middle of change and dare I say chaos. But by reading your blogs, although I am one of those who struggle with change, I know it is for the greatest good. Thank you so much sharing with all of us the wisdom that spirit is giving you. Love and light! Carol