I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live up to what light I might have."
Abraham Lincoln
Today might be a good day to challenge yourself to do just one of those things that you have been putting off. We all have at least one chore, conversation, or action that we know in our heart's we need to do. Yet, we just can't bring ourselves to actually take even one tiny little step toward it.
Pick the least threatening to you, or even the most threatening and just jump. Ask your Guardian angel, God or a higher power to surround you in light, guide your words, steady your mind and soul, and then just do it.
Today is an action day. Allow the forward movement already swirling about you to help you whisk through your task. The dread of doing it is worse than reality.
Come on! I will do it too. I am going to finally clean out that ginormous catch all chest in my dining room. It looms and sneers at me every time I walk by it and I know that clutter and mess only attract confusion and chaos...so here it goes. That is my challenge.
What is yours?
Interesting little snippet....Did you know that Lincoln's wife held regular seance's at the White House? They were, indeed, a cosmopolitan couple.
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