Monday, February 2, 2009

It's a good day!

Energy is feeling pretty good today.  Although time is definitely speeding up, our calendar seems to be marking energy.  At the stroke of midnight New Years Eve, a refreshed energy came to us, and again with the arrival of February first!  It might just be coincidence, but it does definitely feel as if "something" has been achieved and we have moved ahead.  

If you have not already tried the clearing I recently posted, I can't recommend it enough.  It is the same clearing my mentor had me using when I first started my spiritual journey and it has never steered me wrong.  I have been using it for days and can feel a marked difference in our energy and the energy around the house.  Just in time for spring cleaning!


  1. I can definitely “feel” the energy shift for me personally from the end of January to now.
    I will have to find my copy of the Lightbody book thanks for your inspirational words.

  2. Help me understand the need to do such a cleaning! My sense is that if a persons intention is pure, if they are truely working on their connection to spirit, then all will be well. These types of exercises feel dogmatic and unnecessary. Am I naive...not schooled enough in the ways of spirit?

