There are a few cheap and easy everyday things that can greatly help you release your stress and ground yourself back down and away from other's chaotic energy.
Chant... we are very lucky people. Over and over and over in your head, as many times a day as you can. I really can't stress this one enough. You may not realize it, but those words have energy and that energy will keep you balanced like a cork in water. It will help you just float through your day, unable to be dragged under, no matter what! Plus, it will attract great stuff to you.
Garden...Touching the ground, dirt and organic matter, naturally grounds you. Ground=dirt. Very simple, and a great time of year for it. I would actually let some of the dirt get on your skin, you don't have to dig with your fingers, just don't be super neat. That smearing of mud may well be the best, cheapest spa treatment you can get right now!
Bake...Anything. Baking is a very nurturing, grounding ritual. It has incredible strength and energy tied to it. A ritual is anything that is done with purpose and repetition. It is in a sense, basic care giving. Feeding ones hunger, providing comfort are ways to help ground and heal, which baking does well. It is a great time to try some new spring recipes. If you don't have the time to whip up anything from scratch, a two dollar mix from the baking aisle works just fine. The healing comes from the act of baking, not in the final product, so much. That means, you can bake away, give the goodies to the office or friends, and still reap major benefits - without gaining a pound.
Create...Making something by hand is a wonderful way to ground, and open up those psychic channels in yourself. Creative energy and psychic energy are the same thing, channelled in a different way. Again, as with the baking, the final product is not so important as the act. Paint the same piece of canvas, again and again. Paint your wall different colors, knit, try your hand at clay modeling, it doesn't matter. Just let some of those creative juices flow. You will be surprised at how calm you feel and you just might discover a hidden talent in yourself!
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