Monday, March 16, 2009

Don't forget to accessorize!

Have you noticed something as you are going about your day?  Have you taken time to watch others around you.  See something you might now have seen about three months ago?  Noticed more unhappy faces than usual?  

Yep, that is right.  NO smiles.  We went to a much needed night out this weekend, and I couldn't believe the unhappy faces.  I am not just talking stoic, but down right, "let me burn you with my eyes" faces.  In cars, restaurants, the movie store, grocery store, even fun places, seemed joyless.  I actually felt bad for many of the people sitting around us at dinner because their faces just seemed to scream, "I am so miserable!"

I can hear my clients bristle when I mention change in a session.  Humans as a whole, loath change.  But, you know this much needed and highly anticipated "shift", or change is what  our souls needed to do.   The process is confusing.  The confusion is irritating, and unsettling.  The unsettled feeling is actually the fertile ground from which a beautiful new "us" will emerge from.  

So, when you get dressed in the morning, don't walk out the door without the one most forgotten, yet so important accessory to your day.  You never know, your smile may just be that little bit of extra "umph" your co-worker, neighbor or fellow commuter needed to see beaming back to them.  In turn, you just might need to see theirs too!  

   My daughter used to be in the drill team and they had a cute little saying, for those times when their "less than balanced" director was being goes - 

" FUN!"

Try saying that without smiling just a little! Especially when someone around you is not being nice back to you!  Just say that in your head and you will giggle, perhaps just a bit!

A smile is free, catchier than the flu, and is definitely just what somebody ordered for us right now!  We ALL need them!  Smiles are animated light!

Compliment your wardrobe with one, everyone else will thank you for it.

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