Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Blog, Blog, Blog, Blog....Blog

Why do I think that anyone has time in their day to listen to what little ole me has to say?  You might be saying.."Nobody cares, so shut up...You are so annoying!"  Well, then you would be quoting Madagascar!  

I write this blog, not to hear myself chirp away, but because the angels, yes, the Archangels asked me to do it.  They knew this particular point in our life, as in the life of earth, was going to be terribly wretched to live through, and in their foresight, asked me to be just one little voice.  

I call it my public service.  I do it because they asked me to.  Much like many things in my career,  because I was asked to.  It is called, "living by faith, letting go and letting God, trust, crazed?" Perhaps, all of the mentioned.  I know, no matter what you call it, if I step aside and just do what I am asked, then life goes much easier for me.  

I recommend you do the same...and maybe start you're own blog too!


  1. Good for you, I read it not every day but I read it and take inspiration from it.

  2. I'm reading, and I hope you keep writing!
