Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Go ahead, avert your eyes.

Yesterday while waiting at the vet's, I witnessed a truly embarrassing moment.  A seemingly pleasant enough man came into the office and asked to buy a box of heart worm medicine.  However, as the assistant was ringing him up and logging the meds into his dog's file, things turned ugly. 

Apparently from what I and everyone else could hear, he was angry that the vet's office would not transfer his dog's prescription to another vet.  Actually, what he was angry about was that they would not write it down for him to fill at an online store.  She explained they could not due to the animal rights laws and that the prescriptions he was wanting to buy, may not be legally up to date.   She tried to give him a reason behind the policy.

The assistant calmly (kudos to her) attempted to answer his unending questions of why they could not legally do what he asked.  Each answer only lead to more and louder questions. 

By the time we were, thankfully, taken to our room, the then crazed man was ranting on and on about being "extorted" by the vet's office.  Extortion?  There are times when the law is the law. No amount of berating an office worker is going to cause the law to miraculously change. 

So, today, I read in the paper how threats against our President have gone up four hundred percent.  Most coming from bigots who really just hate the fact that he is not white.  If that is the case, there is no amount of good that he can do that will change their incorrect thinking.  Just like that crazed man yesterday.  There was no answer for him.  He was yelling to be a jerk.  Did he really think that hourly paid employee could change anything for him?  NO.

Is hating a person based solely on their origin and skin color, sexual preference, yada yada, going to change anything for you? NO.

Is pretending you dislike that person really about something else other than their race, preference, yada yada, going to dress up the fact that you are simply consumed by hate.  NO. 

My little dog and I averted our eyes and tried to blend with the wall during the vet office rant.  I am now averting my eyes and feeling pretty freaking embarrassed by my fellow Americans.  

Four hundred percent?  
Is needlessly hating each other making anything in our life better?  NO.  

Let. It. Go.

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