Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Dealing with our shifting energies

Have you ever had a moment when a friend was having a horrible crisis and after downloading to you - you then felt awful too?  Energy is palpable and negative energy can attach to even the most chipper of people dragging them down into a pit of "ick" for no apparent reason.  If you are having a bad day and there is no outward obvious reason behind it, chances are you have been latched upon by random "ick" who's origin had  nothing to do with you personally.  

To deal with this type of situation, you can imagine yourself inside a  bubble of white light.  You can see a whirlwind of energy around you that is blowing all negative energy away from you, replacing it with the highest most positive energy.  You can also ask your guardian angel to release all negative energy that has attached to you, and allow it to return to it origin.  A simple hot shower can do wonders for washing the nasties right out of your aura, helping you to relax in the process!

These above mentioned energy clearings are fabulous!  But, what do you do when it seems that everyone is having a bad day for no apparent reason?  With the energies of our planet and consciousness rapidly shifting, these days have, and are gonna happen.  My best advice for those days is to use the personal cleansing methods above on your own self, home and family spaces, and wait out the day.

Days when everything seems to be going haywire for everyone, contracts should not be signed, agreements should be put on hold, communication if working at all, should be kept at a minimum.  Usually on these types of days even getting in contact with people is hard.  

Just wait those "ick" days out.  Get through the day, mind your daily tasks, and leave bigger decisions for another day.  Most likely when the sun comes up again, the global energy will be refreshed and you can hunker down to business tasks again.  

FYI...NO ONE  can manipulate another's personal space.  You can hope to change your teenagers aura, but good luck.  Once kids hit puberty, they rule their own psychic spaces, only kids younger than puberty are still ruled by their parents dominant energy.  Energy clearings only work on the individual doing them, and their kids under the age of puberty years.  

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