Monday, January 19, 2009

Obama's role

FYI:  All comments made in my blog about political issues, candidates, Presidents, the country, etc.  are purely based on the the issues that spirit talks to me about.  This blog is not intended to be a political forum. 

Way back when Obama first threw his hat into the ring, Spirit picked him as president.  He is the angels president.  Doreen Virtue wrote about doubles and triplicates of numbers being signs from the other side, 444 being a sign from the angels...well, Obama is the 44Th president!  I think he was absolutely destined to be standing on the steps of the capital tomorrow morning.  Each time during the campaign when I would see him on TV, spirit would whisper into my head.."Mr. President."  

I believe that if every person in the country voted for the other ticket, Obama would still have won.  He is Spirit's choice.  He is one way or another a catalyst of change for our planet, not just America.  He is not evil, far from it. Hello,  Angels do not pick evil.

I also feel a strong sense of "Kennedy" around him.  I am not sure what Kennedy, or if he is just surrounded by that family energy, perhaps part of their soul family, but that energy is definitely there with him.  

I hear spirit in my head all the time.  I hear them talking to my clients, I know their "energy" so to speak and the best way to describe the feeling of spirit in the way that they relate to us as people is like an adult at Christmas time.  They get excited for us, yet they keep mostly calm about things...with one exception.  The night before Obama was elected they were actually - giddy with excitement!  I have never heard them act like that before and over a decade is a long time to listen to a group!  

That election eve, they would not be calm...kept talking to me in my sleep about "how proud they were of us."   I would wake up, listening to them, try to sleep and they would wake me back up again! 

Apparently, we chose as a group to overcome our ingrained archaic hateful belief systems that were rooted in the very core of who we were as humans.  WOW!  I am not sure it is all about race, I really think it goes way beyond that to the acceptance of the fundamental spirit of mankind.  We are not all the same, yet we are all the same, there is simply no reason to hate each other for it.  Why now?  Well - people have to get really really uncomfortable to finally choose differently!  We as humans historically do not like change of any kind. 

Good for us.  Good for Obama.  Thank you to Obama and his family for bravely standing in what will most surely at times, be overwhelming energy,  for the good of us all.   

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