Monday, January 26, 2009

What does intuitive mean, anyway?

A couple of years after starting my career I got very tired of seeing people cringe each time I said I was a "psychic".  So, I decided to change my title to "Intuitive" instead of "psychic."  

A week or so later a revised newspaper ad came out with my new title under my name and one of my friends stopped me in the store to ask me, why I wasn't doing that "psychic" thing anymore.  She had read the newspaper and wondered what line of work I was in as an "Intuitive!"

I tried to explain that both words meant the same thing, but eventually, I gave up trying to explain myself to her and each time I had a phone call inquiring about my services.  Eventually,  I reverted back to using psychic, less explanation involved.  

The funny thing is intuitive or intuition is the politically correct way of saying one is psychic.  I think it is interesting however, that American marketing companies have adopted the word, intuitive, as a description for appliances, cars and computers, to just name a few non-intuitive objects.  Intuitive, meaning derived from a natural tendency and intuition meaning derived from a natural instinct according to the Web dictionary.  

It makes me wonder: why do we clammer to have intuitive cars and ovens, yet, we cringe when one mentions they are an intuitive for a living.  It smacks of just a bit of fickleness to allow one, yet, condemn the other.  

Intuition, psychic abilities, channeling, are all the same terms used to describe the connecting of subtle energies that are not being said, are instinctively within us all, and a natural occurrence that originated from another source.  Many of the greatest masterpieces on earth, both literary and musical are believed to be entirely channelled pieces.  Mozart for one wrote all of his compositions without revision. 

One of my clients was telling me about a person that accused her of not being of God because of her title of psychic...Well, I wonder about all of those prophets in the Bible that God sent out? Were they all led astray too?  Were they all damned to hell even though God sent them?  What about the prophecy of the baby Jesus' birth?  Would that major day be listed under immediate damnation or the birth of the savior of all?  

I say potato, potauto.  We are what we are.  We are all psychic like it or not!  There is no getting around it.  The intuitive age is here and our intuition is not going away,  our spirituality is here to stay!  It's all good.

1 comment:

  1. Energy is energy is energy until it manifests in the form that we define it to.
