Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Why all the extra cleaning?

I am posting a reply to a question/comment left concerning the energy space clearing I posted a few days ago....It is a really good question!  It addresses why if a person's intention is to be pure and of light, then why would one feel the need to perform a ritual type of cleaning such as what I suggested.  Well....

Here is the deal.  Light is light, the commenter is correct.  However, even during such things as Reiki, the energy giver needs to put extra white light around them during the Reiki session. Because, energy is moving and being transferred.  When energy moves, it can shift from one's aura to another's.  

Right now, as so much tremendous energy is shifting constantly, it is very good spiritual practice, to use some type of prayer of intention to keep your "house" or aura free of anything that is not in harmony with you. 

This is huge people.  This image was shown to me from the angels recently.  Picture,  the whole globe inside scaffolding, covered and crawling with angels, working feverishly to put on our new face of energy....Now, imagine yourself surrounded with a scaffolding system and angels working to prepare your bodies, all of them, to be able to accept this new energy from the globe and the other side.  

I'm thinking, what the hell.  A space clearing takes about 3 minutes to perform.  It is nothing more than intense prayer with a specifically directed intention.  In times of great change when people all around you are experiencing great loss through their jobs, families, relationships, on top of changing government systems... a little diligence can't hurt.  The bonus, you are doing it yourself, in your own home, and it is  free!

 A note about the Triple Grid...I understand the wording is odd.  I do not work with anything that is not of absolute light.  Look at the intention of that clearing - to remove anything that is negative from virus up to really big stuff.  Another benefit of this clearing is that it sweeps your house of virus and bacteria - bonus at this time of year!

I hope this helps you guys, do what you feels right for you.  Over the years, dealing with as many people's energy as I have, I have kept a vigilance of cleaning in my home.  Now, I am more vigilant than ever.  Me and my home, we are all Triple Grided, parasite free, full of bright light and we are very lucky people and feeling groovy!

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